What We Carry
Maya Shanbhag Lang
WHAT WE CARRY by Maya Shanbhag Lang is a memoir I will recommend to every mother/daughter/person. This memoir is filled with Lang’s deep reflections on growing up, becoming a mom, and eventually caring for her mother as she fell ill from Alzehimer’s. The chapters are short, the reflections powerful. I love the honesty of the author and how she gives us a look into how her opinions and feelings changed overtime. Being a mother can be such a lonely journey and this memoir made a big impact. I loved that I brought it with me on vacation because two other family members read it and loved it too. We were able to discuss this book and talk about the things that really resonated with us. I want to say more but honestly, this book really speaks for itself. I loved this one, very much.
#MayaShanbhagLang #WhatWeCarry #Memoir #Motherhood #AlwaysReading #Bookstagram #BookReflection #Bookstagrammer #summerreading