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This book is 650 or so pages and I absolutely savored each one

This book is 650 or so pages and I absolutely savored each one. Told through multiple point of views of a four person family, I bow down to Paul Murray and his writing abilities. From the get go you have this creeping sensation that something awful is going to happen. Not a page felt wasted. This is a heavy read. A sad book about finding yourself but doing everything you can to battle what is inside you because you are so afraid no one will love you if they really see what is buried inside. It’s about so much more than just that though and I really really loved it.

And holy moly. That ending. I haven’t read an ending so creative in a long time. I personally love endings like this one but I’ll let you experience it for yourself.

I recommend this book if you enjoy family sagas and multiple point of views.

#thebeesting #prizewinners #summerreading #familysagabooks #multiplepointsofview #multiplePOV #teacheronbreak #readmorebooks #fiction #goodbooks #bookstagram

This book is 650 or so pages and I absolutely savored each one