Reflections and Resilience: A Teacher’s Journey
Well, I made it. I’m ready for this summer to heal and collect my thoughts. I am ready to reflect and most importantly rest. My therapist asked me this year what is the biggest way you changed as a teacher and I’d say I have become infinitely more compassionate and much more vocal when I don’t think things are right for the kids. These are so many chasms in our public education system as it stands and if it I sit and think about it for too long it fills me with a rage so deep that I can find it hard to breath. I don’t know how much longer I will be a teacher but I don’t think I am done yet. There still so much I want to accomplish in the classroom and there is still no greater feeling for me that filling a kids heart with joy. At the end of the day it is the small moments that have sustained me and although this year was total crap we truly made the most of it. Kids have so much to offer and teach us, if only more were willing to open their hearts and listen. But to all my teachers leaving the profession. I see you, I love you and I hope you are so proud of yourself. I know I will take the time and space I need to refill my soul this summer and continue learning because next year it is f****ing on.
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