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Raising Antiracist Children A Practical Parenting Guide

Britt Hawthorne is an antiracist educator I respect tremendously. So when I heard she was working on a book for parents, I was beyond excited. Published on June 7th, it has already made the New York Times Bestseller list. I love that this book focuses on how to build community and to focus your efforts locally. For me personally, I feel like I have really lost touch with that and I want to work on building roots in my current community, one I hope to be a part of for the foreseeable future. It is a very practical guide that is not just for parents but really for anyone that wishes to invest in the generations that follow us, which is to me the most essential investment for us all. As stated in this guide, we are all connected, and if you have children or don’t there is information here you will definitely find useful. Hawthorne has a way with words, and gentleness that makes you feel less alone, afterall no one should take this journey alone, in fact the only way to do this work is together.

Thank you so much to @simonandschuster and @sabrina_dax_pr for this review copy.

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Raising Antiracist Children A Practical Parenting Guide