Our Share of Night
Looking for a creepy read for October? This one definitely had me unsettled as I read it. I don’t gravitate towards horror or even scary books often but for some reason I was compelled to read this one. It was weird and creepy. If you like stories about secret societies and cults then look no further. It’s a doorstopper clocking in at just over 600 pages but I found myself deeply engrossed. A combination of things I think worked really well here: 1) The setting of Argentina during and after the military dictatorship I thought gave this book a darker tone. The true horrors of living during this time were always just scratching below the surface waiting to break out. 2) The characters are all well written. There’s not much to root for here, but you have to know what happens to them! And 3) The horror elements were not overdone. Enriquez gave you little peeks at times to keep you guessing or described scenes with such brutal detachment it somehow made it worse.
I would like to read more horror in this vein. It had just the right amount for me, and gave me a new appreciation for the genre. #horrorbooks #scarybooks #octoberreads #spookyreads #creepyreads #ourshareofnight #weirdbooks #bookstagram #bookstagrammer