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Monarch Waystation

This has nothing to do with books but it’s something I care about deeply. We got our official Monarch Waystation certificate in the mail and I was too excited not to post about it. We started raising monarchs two years ago when I was sad that their population was taking a huge hit. My spouse has an insane green thumb so he decided to do something. We grew milkweed and the project has grown from there. We keep the eggs housed in a net and swap in fresh milkweed so they can eat in peace away from predators. It’s been a crazy ride and I love this part of my life. We’ve released over 250 this year. Swipe through the pics to see all the eaten plants and the little ones ready to hatch! I hope you enjoy it. As the days progress I’ll post some butterflies in my stories.

#bookstagram #careaboutnature #monarchbutterfly #careaboutinsects #lovenature #booksandnature #ilovebooks