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Octavia Butler is easily a writing icon and a titan in the science fiction community. I’ve had the privilege of reading books by her in the past and “Kindred” did not disappoint. If you teach high school history or literature put this in your curriculum please. ⠀

Dana is a modern Black woman living in the 1970s when suddenly she is ripped from the fabric of her reality and taken to the past of the antebellum South. She is dropped into a plantation and must find ways to survive as she is obviously never safe. She is drawn back and forth through that time to her own time in a science fiction genre bender that is sure to horrify you and force you to grapple with our ancestral history. ⠀

Octavia Butler is probably one of my all time favs. Thank you so much to @thereadingchemist for hosting a buddy read for this one. I am learning so much from others and have a whole new appreciation for this book. There is so much richness in this text and so much to unpack in the relationships and more. One point @brisbookish made was that she saw parallels to how Dana reacted to her situation in the South to how Black women are still forced to react now when faced with racism. Just do what you can to survive. That point was so powerful to me. Although slavery does not exist (although arguably it still does, ex. prisons) the legacy of racism remains the same. This is my first buddy read but it definitely won’t be my last!!!!! Thanks again @thereadingchemist bookstagram #buddyread #ilovebooks #sciencefiction #speculativefiction #historicalfiction #octaviabutler #kindred #bookstagrammer #readwomen #readmorewomen #readblackauthors #teachbetterbooks #diversifythecurriculum

kindred book