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December Possibilities

December Possibility Pile

December Possibility Pile! I went through my shelves yesterday so I can participate in @caseythereader Clear Out Your TBR Bingo. Will I get through all these? Most definitely not, but it was fun to make this pile. And who knows! I’m definitely on a reading tear this month, so I might as well try. I’m already one hundred pages and some change into The Warmth of Other Suns and The Light of Uncommon Stars. After reading How the Word is Passed I was craving more beautifully written non-fiction, and I have had The Warmth of Other Suns on my shelf for awhile. It’s definitely scratching the itch. The Light of Uncommon Stars, gifted to me by the amazing @nerdtasticnoms, is also so much fun!!! It’s nice to have a good balance between the two books. The picture shows an armchair with a floral pattern and a stack of books next to a small lavender Christmas tree.
A Tale for the Time Being-Backlist
Light from Uncommon Stars-gifted
The Properties of Perpetual Light- A book out of my comfort zone
Concepcion- new release
Little Women- Unread and gifted
Seven Days in June-Most recently acquired
Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay- Book I’ve owned the longest
Heart Berries-Shortest book I own
The Warmth of Other Suns-Books I said I would definitely read this year.

#ClearOutYourTBR #AlwaysReading #DecemberPossibilities #Books #ReadMoreBooks #TBR #Bookstagram #bookstagrammer

amari and the night brothers by b.b. alston

Birthday Giveaway

Birthday Giveaway


Thirty four years around the sun. One of the funniest things about getting older is understanding why adults forget how old they are. I remember being a kid and asking adults “how old are you?” not understanding at the time the intrusion of this question. I personally don’t get offended when I get asked this, I work with ten year olds afterall. I remember how the adults laughed because the answer didn’t come immediately, they could not remember! I thought how crazy it was to not remember how old you were going to be! How could one forget! But as the days grow longer and the years shorter, I understand a little bit more now. Life comes at you fast, as they say. With every passing year I take the opportunity to reflect and understand how lucky I am to be alive with the people I am surrounded by, and I mean that I am surrounded by the best people in this space called Bookstagram and also in my life away from the internet. Thank you for being here and being in community with me. I figured last year I did a giveaway of Elatsoe, it is only fitting that I return with “A Snake Falls to Earth” by Darcie Little Badger. Elatsoe was absolutely fantastic, and I have heard rave reviews for this as well. The book itself is also a beauty.

Answer this question in the comments below: What is your favorite kind of cake? One bonus entry for sharing in your stories. Make sure to tag me so I can see it!
Mine is chocolate cake. Forever. And always. Giveaway Closes, next Sunday December 5th. Open to US and Canada only.

#Giveaway #BookGiveaway #BirthdayGiveaway #Bookstagrammer #ILoveBooks #AlwaysReading #ASnakeFallstoEarth #DarcieLittleBadger #LipanApacheAuthor #supportindigenousamericanauthors

Meet The Bookstagrammer

Meet The Bookstagrammer

#MeettheBookstagrammer post! Figured I’ve been here for over a year and reached 1k so WHY NOT. My name is Vivienne and I was born and raised on Tongva land otherwise known as Los Angeles. I’ve been a teacher for seven years and have only taught fourth grade. I love this age because they’re in between childhood and adolescence. They still find me funny and enjoy sarcasm. I’m working hard to separate myself from making it such a big part of my identity. I don’t work on weekends and refuse to work at all when I get home. I haven’t found a balance because I feel constantly behind but I’ll take time with my son and husband over work any day. Getting good books into the hands of young people is a passion of mine I sometimes wonder if I should’ve been a children’s librarian. When I’m not reading I like to play video games (Overwatch is a fav) watch TV and hang with my family. I’ve been a reader my whole life, but ever since my kid was born I’ve been more consistent because time is precious and harder to find. I used to read more sci fi fantasy but find myself gravitating towards contemporary/literary fiction and non-fiction much more. I want to get into poetry and short stories but alas so many books so little time. One day though…I started a bookstagram because I was bored and always wanted to have a book blog to keep track of the things I read (I have one but it’s not up and running the way I want quite yet because again: time). It turned into something I could have never imagined and I love talking to all of you about books and hearing different opinions. It’s widened my world view and led me to some great reads I probably would have never given a chance before. I’ve also met some amazing people that I proudly call my friends. Have a question? Ask me anything in the comments or just say hey! It’s so nice to be in community with you all. Have a lovely Wednesday.

[Image: Vivienne, a half Filipina woman in a black bikini, holding the book Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse at the beach]

#MeettheBookstagrammer #BeachDays #Bookstagram #LosAngelesReader #ReadMoreBooks #AlwaysReading #filipinabookstagrammer

Perfect Weather

Perfect Weather

Perfect weather to read on the patio. Trying to enjoy my Sunday and breathe in and out. Kids come Tuesday and I am so nervous. I know once it happens I’ll feel better. But phew today I am STRESSED. Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday.

plants and books on the patio

New Books

New Books

HAPPY FRIDAY FOLKS. My library holds came in all at once. Fills me with a lot of happiness. Feeling grateful for libraries and librarians everywhere. For real, you all make it look easy but I know it’s not.

stack of new books



Before meeting my husband I was not a plant person. All the garden photos you see are one hundred percent his doing. I am so thankful for that. He has created a little ecosystem on our patio that has been such a light. These are some books I have read and some I’ve been meaning to get to. But all have to do with our connection to nature. Today in my stories I highlight a topic that is dear to me, helping the monarch butterflies. I hope you’ll check it out and learn something new! Colonization and white supremacy have conditioned us to believe that we must dominate nature. But Indigenous science and wisdom teaches us we are a part of nature and we must work with nature. It’s the only way forward. I’m trying to reconnect myself to the dirt beneath me. It’s been a bumpy road, but it’s always fun to get my hands in the dirt.

books surrounded by plants