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Seven Days In June

Seven Days In June

Tia Williams

In today’s edition of #BookstagramMadeMeDoIt we have Seven Days in June, by Tia Williams. I really enjoyed reading this book. Tia Williams is hilarious and the characters she wrote all had me hooked. I was rooting for every single one of them. I was taken by surprise by the heavy subject matter covered in this book. It is an exploration of how past traumas can continue to haunt and infect every area of your life, and the ways in which people try to overcome. Sometimes we are successful and sometimes not, but learning and growing does not take place on a linear timeline. I was expecting just a “typical” romance (a genre I rarely read, I prefer my romances on the silver screen). But this one felt different from ones I have read in the past (which again are very few, so I’m not the best judge of whether or not this one is truly unique). An enjoyable read that kept me warm during some cold days over winter break. I would love to see this one adapted into a movie or limited TV series.

(Spoiler so stop reading if you haven’t read the book yet: I felt bad for Ty. I felt like he was collateral damage to Shane’s growth and that sucked, I wish his story could’ve ended differently.)

[ID: The book Seven Days in June, by Tia Williams, being held by Viv with a colorful painting as the backdrop]

#RomanceNovels #ReadMoreRomance #SevenDaysInJune #Bookstagram #BooksBooksBooks #AlwaysReading #LosAngelesReader #bookstagrammer

amari and the night brothers by b.b. alston

Last Night at the Telegraph Club

Last Night at the Telegraph Club

After seeing @theshriekingstack fantastic review of LAST NIGHT AT THE TELEGRAPH CLUB by Malindo Lo I was immediately interested in this book. It definitely lived up to my expectations. This is about a 17 year old Chinese American girl grappling with her sexuality in the 1950s when homosexuality was illegal (in 1962 that would change, but let’s not forget same-sex couples only gained the right to marry in 2016). Taking place in San Francisco when the country was gripped by fear of communism, Lily also lives in fear for her family’s safety because her father’s papers get taken away once he refuses to name a patient of his as a communist.

This was a very engrossing YA read and I hope to see more like it. I love the blend of romance and historical fiction. Malindo Lo also made San Francisco come to life. I lived there for a little bit after college and I could feel the fog roll in and rest on my skin. I can remember strolling through North Beach and seeing the plethora of Italian restaurants, walking through the bustle of Chinatown, and just this sensation of a city that felt so alive. San Francisco was one of the easiest places to make friends. I miss that city so much. I really enjoyed this book. I would’ve loved more perspective from her father and mother and their history, but that is just because I am greedy. If you have a young person in your life that loves realistic/historical fiction this is for them, and if you’re just looking for a fresh read about first love in a beautiful setting this might also be for you.

[ID: The book Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malindo Lo being held up by Viv’s hand with a red rose bush in the background]

#Bookstagram #TeacherOnSummerBreak #LastNightAtTheTelegraphClub #AlwaysReading #MalindoLo #SanFrancisco #HistoricalFiction #YA #YoungAdult #romance

amari and the night brothers by b.b. alston