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Took a girls trip to Pismo Beach this past weekend

Took a girls trip to Pismo Beach this past weekend

Took a #girlstrip to Pismo Beach this past weekend to celebrate the start of summer with my two favs. We probably took one picture together because are notoriously bad at taking pics together because we’re too busy having a good time.

Of course we stopped at a local indie Monarch Books. I got Fire Exit and some choice items for my two kids.

I also finished A Tale For the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki last night and wow, I absolutely loved it. I know it’s a #backlist favorite here and I can see why. I adored the way the story unfolded. I thought Ozeki did a great job writing two characters that each had unique voices and stories and then overlapping their fates. It was beautifully done. It does require patience but thankfully I cracked it open when school got out so I have time and energy to spare. I highly recommend it to those who may have it sitting on their shelves too.

In one week we make our annual trip to France to hang out with family and recharge. Thankful for every second.

#summer #bookstagram #teacheronbreak #booksbooksbooks #alwaysreading

Took a girls trip to Pismo Beach this past weekend

And just like that year nine in the classroom is done

And just like that year nine in the classroom is done

And just like that year nine in the classroom is done. I can’t believe I’ve been at this job almost ten years. There must be something seriously unhinged about me. Haha. But jokes aside. It’s been a wild one. I came back from maternity leave and juggled being a mom of two while teaching a new grade. Next year I will loop with these kids to fourth and I could not be more excited to get back to the grade I’m most comfortable AND be with students I already know! For those who do not know looping is when the same class follows you to the next grade. I already know next year will be special. Who knows. Maybe it’s my swan song. One last mic drop. Maybe I’ll finally call it a day. Pull the plug. The final curtain call. Only time will tell. I just know that doing this job makes it really hard to raise two little kids and I wish to be around more and get something more flexible. But for now. That’s a wrap. Till next year. [pictured is Viv looking tired and in an empty classroom] #teacherlife #workingparent #teachersofinstagram #teacheronsummerbreak #summer #bookstagram #nonbookishpost #alwaysreading
And just like that year nine in the classroom is done

If I remember anything I hope I always hold on to your laugh

If I remember anything I hope I always hold on to your laugh

If I remember anything I hope I always hold on to your laugh. It was always the loudest and the most infectious. When I think of the adults gathered around at the table when I was a kid this is what I’ll remember, the loud laughter with Lola at the lead.

I’ll miss you Lola. You deserve your rest more than anyone I know. I love you very much.

If I remember anything I hope I always hold on to your laugh

Know My Name

Know My Name

Chanel Miller

⁣“The judge had given Brock something that would never be extended to me: empathy. My pain was never more valuable than his potential.”

(TW: sexual assault)⠀
Chanel Miller was first introduced to the world as Emily Doe. The victim of a sexual assault that took place at Stanford University. Brock Turner, the assailant, was given just six months jail time (he served three) after the judge declared “compared to other crimes in similar nature it may be considered less serious due to his level of intoxication.” Miller’s words written in her victim statement as Emily gave hope and solace to victims of sexual assault everywhere. This book is for those who feel their spirits battered to let them know they are not alone. This read was challenging and definitely very triggering but it was brilliant throughout. She takes your hand and shows you what it is like to be a sexual assault victim in today’s brutal society that perpetuates rape culture and victim blaming. It’s an indictment on our criminal justice system and how it upholds the white male as blameless for his mistakes. This is a necessary read for all. It wasn’t easy but it made me feel less alone, which is why we read in the first place. Whether or not you are a survivor there is something here to learn for everyone.⠀

#books #bookstagram