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My Personal Favorites
My Personal Favorites
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About me

I started a #bookstagram because I simply love books and have been looking for more bookish people to talk to. Since joining my #TBR has gotten a little out of control. ?⠀

I’m a mom to a two year old and I live in Southern California with my partner, two dogs, bearded dragon, and one fish. We also harvest Monarch Butterflies to help regrow their population. I’ve been teaching fourth grade for five years, going on six.


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A beloved here and the winner of the Women’s Prize for fiction, it is a standout in the historical fiction genre and one I highly recommend to readers everywhere.

Following Sashi, a sister with four brothers, as she embarks on becoming a doctor during the beginning of the Sri Lankan Civil War, this novel blurs the line between nonfiction and fiction. Told in sharp and matter of fact prose, I was completely invested in this one. I read page after page on the internet about the Civil War in Sri Lanka. The author told this story so well. In war there are no winners, no saints, no “good guys.” There are just people doing everything they can to survive. Everyone loses. It asks the reader to bear witness because really what else can I do as the reader. There is so much more I can say about this but really just go read it. A sharp book I am so glad I got around to reading. And I hope you get to it soon too.

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This book is 650 or so pages and I absolutely savored each one. Told through multiple point of views of a four person family, I bow down to Paul Murray and his writing abilities. From the get go you have this creeping sensation that something awful is going to happen. Not a page felt wasted. This is a heavy read. A sad book about finding yourself but doing everything you can to battle what is inside you because you are so afraid no one will love you if they really see what is buried inside. It’s about so much more than just that though and I really really loved it.

And holy moly. That ending. I haven’t read an ending so creative in a long time. I personally love endings like this one but I’ll let you experience it for yourself.

I recommend this book if you enjoy family sagas and multiple point of views.

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And just like that year nine in the classroom is done. I can’t believe I’ve been at this job almost ten years. There must be something seriously unhinged about me. Haha. But jokes aside. It’s been a wild one. I came back from maternity leave and juggled being a mom of two while teaching a new grade. Next year I will loop with these kids to fourth and I could not be more excited to get back to the grade I’m most comfortable AND be with students I already know! For those who do not know looping is when the same class follows you to the next grade. I already know next year will be special. Who knows. Maybe it’s my swan song. One last mic drop. Maybe I’ll finally call it a day. Pull the plug. The final curtain call. Only time will tell. I just know that doing this job makes it really hard to raise two little kids and I wish to be around more and get something more flexible. But for now. That’s a wrap. Till next year. [pictured is Viv looking tired and in an empty classroom] #teacherlife #workingparent #teachersofinstagram #teacheronsummerbreak #summer #bookstagram #nonbookishpost #alwaysreading ...

Just me getting ready for summer reading. Broke my book buying ban for Mother’s Day. Tried to get a mix of backlist and new titles. Feeling very lucky to be alive with two healthy boys and a fantastic partner. #summerreading #teacheronsummerbreak #countingdownthedays #lovereading #readersofinstagram #bookstagrammer #filipinobookstagrammer #happywithbooks ...

Have you ever waited for the right time to read a book? I read books one and two of the Neapolitan quartet when they first came out and had to take a break because of how intense they are. I knew book three was about motherhood and growing older. I’m so glad I waited to read this one because I feel I’m in a much better place to understand it. Elena Ferrante writes with such ferocity and rage. She just hits the nail on the head when writing about living with contradictions and how hypocritical we can all be. Her writing on motherhood is especially sharp. I am flying through book 3. This is definitely a series I want to revisit again one day.

Has there ever been a book like that for you? Tell me about it!

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Let the record show I got Martyr! from the library and have not bought a single book since December. It’s as if not being on bookstagram has helped my spending habits. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT. But honestly more because of lack of time. The only way I’m writing this now is because the 8 month old is sick and napping on my chest and I have a moment of stillness.

While I was charmed by Martyr! my feelings about it didn’t reach beyond that point. I thought it really precious and Akbar writes beautifully. It was cute. I don’t mean that in a disrespectful way at all but it was like a Wes Anderson movie. Everything was pretty and cute and of course really sad. I really want to read his poetry. And Cyrus Shams is definitely someone to root for.

My favorites though are When Crack Was King and What We Fed to the Manticore. The first taught me a lot I sort of knew about but it laid it out in a way that really brought it all home. Stellar nonfiction I recommend to everyone. What We Fed to the Manticore was devastating. I love the folktale vibe of some of the stories since it’s told through the eyes of animals. It was gorgeous and gut wrenching. My favorite kind of writing. The first story about the donkey in the Gaza zoo is one that haunts me.

When You Were Everything is definitely a book to file under “book I wish existed when I was a teenager” because wow. We don’t see books about friend break ups often but this one nailed it. The main character and her ex-friend were both dynamic. I’m so glad this one exists.

Salvage the Bones is a classic and I can see why. So glad I finally got around to that one. I was underwhelmed by both Legends and Lattes and The Matrjx. But I’m in the minority there. The slower pace of both books did not fit my mood but I finished them so they were enjoyable nonetheless.

Thank you everyone for the kind words about my Lola. I wanted to respond to everyone but alas life. I could go on about how I hope you’re all taking care of yourself but it feels hollow to say when the world is like :this: nevertheless I hope you are well and the world’s razor sharp edges haven’t made you mean.

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